about MLA
A Strong Voice in the Woods
Founded in 1976, the Montana Logging Association (MLA) is a non-profit organization that serves and represents Montanans who work in our state’s logging industry. There are a lot of us. We have over 500 members who are engaged in the business of harvesting and transporting timber from forest to mill in Montana.
We provide numerous programs and services that benefit our members, such as group health insurance and workers’ compensation plans. We also work to advance professional standards for our members by offering an Accredited Logging Professional program, Professional Log Hauler program and Safety Services program.
A core part of our mission is providing a strong, cohesive voice for our members. We represent their interests during state legislative sessions and make sure they are heard by Montana’s congressional delegation in Washington D.C. In addition, we carry the message of our members and our organization to the people of our state, through all media outlets.
Rooted in Montana’s Past
Logging has long played a vital role in Montana history. It is a pillar of our heritage. To help maintain the vitality of this industry and support those who depend on it for their livelihood, the Montana Logging Association was formed and incorporated in Deer Lodge, Montana in 1976.
The original incorporators were John E. Bruns of Dillon, Donald Wozny of Townsend, Calvin Stokes of Deer Lodge, Don Moullet of Livingston, Art Perry of Belgrade, Donald Roedel of Dillon, and Don G. Buck of Deer Lodge.
In our early years, the office of the MLA was housed by the president who typically served a two-year term. In 1998, land was purchased east of Kalispell on Montana Hwy 35 and an office was built to accommodate eight employees. Our organization has grown to include over 500 members who all stand tall in support of logging. Together, we will carry the heritage of this profession into the future.