Coronavirus Basic Prevention Measures
COVID-19 coronavirus is a new respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. The following precautions can help prevent virus infection spread on forest jobsites.
Stay home if you show Covid symptoms: fever, cough, short of breath—If sick, call supervisor.
Wash hands frequently; or use alcohol-based hand wipes containing at least 60% alcohol.
Cover coughs and sneezes—catch in your elbow. Avoid touching eyes, nose, mouth with hands.
Deploy social distancing on jobsite — maintain at least 6 feet spacing between each worker.
Reduce size of any group at any one time to under ten (10) people; LIMIT all in-person meetings.
Minimize ride-sharing. Add extra vehicles. In-vehicle, ensure heathy riders, clean practices, good ventilation, and voluntarily use cloth mask worn over mouth & nose
Avoid sharing tools/controls with others, if possible
Clean and wipe-off to disinfect on regular basis—frequently used tools, equipment, and frequently hand-touched surfaces (door handles, machinery controls, handrails, cell phones, switches).
Voluntary use of cloth mask worn over mouth & nose to minimize airborne spread during in-vehicle ride-sharing.
Use proper personal protective equipment (PPE) to clean and disinfect (gloves, eye protection).